Training Providers

PT Asian Leadership Centre

PT Asian Leadership Centre

Passion and Expertise, combined with a distinctive approach regarding Leadership Development and Cultural Change build the formular to support our clients in achieving greatness. The consultants, facilitators and coaches in ALC combine decades of expertise in their field. We work in Bahasa Indonesia, English and German. Our approach is practicable, people & business-oriented and always empowering the person, team and organization we work with.

PT Dinamika Mitra Global

PT Dinamika Mitra Global

Kami adalah perusahaan jasa audit, pelatihan & konsultasi ISO sistem manajemen yang didukung oleh konsultan/ trainer yang professional pada bidangnya masing- masing. Komitmen kami saat pendampingan di berbagai jenis perusahaan, mulai dari UMKM, BUMN, swasta asing dan nasional serta kementerian/ lembaga pemerintah tidak perlu diragukan. Keterlibatan dengan sepenuh hati dalam setiap pelatihan dan pendampingan membuahkan hasil serta kepuasan dari klien.

PT Golden Regency Consulting

PT Golden Regency Consulting

GRC Training merupakan perusahaanpenyelenggara training atau pelatihan serta jasa konsultan. Kami berkomitmen memberikan yang terbaik bagi klien, baik dalam hal trainer, pelayanan maupun fasilitas. Kami memiliki tujuan untuk melakukan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dengan didukung oleh para tenaga pengajar (trainer) berpengalaman.

PT Ide Cemerlang Hasil Gemilang (Action Coach)

PT Ide Cemerlang Hasil Gemilang (Action Coach)

Human Capital

Our coaches & clients have won awards for best community impact, best results, and coach of the year. Most of our partners have been inducted into the Global Hall of Fame by Brad Sugars himself. Our team of coaches have real business track records and inspire people through practical guidance.

PT Key Personnel Improvement (KPI)

PT Key Personnel Improvement (KPI)

Human Capital

KPI Innovative Training Solutions began in 2011 by developing a dynamic, unique, stakeholder-centered approach towards improving the performance of personne through inventive and results-oriented training. The key people at KPI are dedicated to providing high quality, world- class techniques for improving productivity, communications, and leadership. Increasing profits and employee cooperation can easily be measured as a byproduct of KPI’s training programmes.